Franklin Senior Portrait Photographer | Emily Gabhart | Featured Senior Model
Hey everyone! How's it going? Is everyone surviving the snowpocalypse? Nashville, hasn't really gotten a lot of snow (If you could even call it that), but I know my family and friends back in Pennsylvania are dealing with some pretty epic winter conditions right now.
So, to help bring a little warmth and sunshine to your life, I thought I'd post up some of Emily Gabhart's final senior portrait images! You can see the "behind the scenes" blog post about her session, here!
This post, in particular, is also going to be a little bit different than what I USUALLY do... and that's because I am happy to announce that Emily Gabhart is Emily McGonigle Photography's Featured Senior Model of 2013!!! (Or maybe it's 2014... Her session was in 2013, but she's going to be *featured* in my 2014 materials... how does that work? How does that get worded? That's a serious question... Haha).
Every year I put out a 'magazine' for my senior clients that not only gives specific information concerning senior portrait sessions, but features images from previous Emily McGonigle Photography senior sessions, *and* an interview with the previous year's Featured Senior! So that is what this blog post is going to be... The interview with Emily Gabhart that will then be printed in my 'Seniors' magazine for this year! :)

Emily Gabhart is a cheerful Independence High School senior, with a bright smile and big plans for her future career in musical theatre. The original date set for Emily's shoot was gross and threatening rain all day. We rescheduled the session, and then of course it never rained. But it all worked out for the better, because the day we actually held Emily's photo shoot, turned out to be G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S! The only downside was the misquotes while shooting in some trees, but Emily was a trooper and pushed forward to get the shot. We had a blast that day playing in the sunlight while we listened to Bruno Mars radio on Pandora!
What are your plans for after graduation?I plan on going to college for Musical Theatre. I haven't decided where I'm going yet, because I am still auditioning at schools.
What are you most excited about for college?I'm so ready for the change. I'm very excited to be in a theatre program with people who are serious about theatre as a profession.
How have you changed and grown during your four years in high school? How do you hope to grow in your four years of college?I have become so much more outgoing over these four years. I was so shy when I first came to high school, and now I'm willing to talk to anyone! I hope that in college I can become more and more confident in myself and my abilities.
What is your funniest memory from High School?There are so many things that I could write here. One of my personal favorites is when I was about to go in for an audition for our schools one acts and I bent over and completely split my pants... I auditioned with ripped pants.

What do you do for fun?I love camping, baking, fishing, painting, singing, going to movies with friends, and I love just hanging out with people. I love trying new things and I'm in love with nature and the outdoors.
What do you want to be when you grow up?A dinosaur! Just kidding. I want to be a Broadway performer. I love singing and dancing and acting, and I believe I do a pretty good job at it. So that would be my dream job!
Who is your favorite band or musical artist?I love Bruno Mars, but Ella Fitzgerald is the greatest performer/singer ever.
What is your favorite move [movie]?*Well my favorite move is twerking... My favorite movie is Moulin Rouge!
*When the interview questions were written, there was a typo in the question, but Emily's response was so funny I chose to include it in the final print!

What is your favorite book?I love the book The Help. It is so beautifully written and it's wonderful!
What is your favorite magazine?I love In Style :)
Where is your favorite place to shop?Even though I can't afford anything in there, I love everything from Anthropologie.
Where is your favorite place to hang out?My favorite place to hang out is anywhere my friends are, and that's usually in my bonus room, watching scary movies.

Social media: Love it or hate it?I don't love Facebook, but I could spend hours on Pinterest.
What is your favorite website to visit? I could buy everything off that website!
What is the most important non-academic thing you learned during high school?Never be afraid to be yourself. When I learned that lesson, I really started to enjoy life, because what other people thought of me didn't matter anymore.
If money was no object and you could have anything one thing in the world, what would it be?I would say having my Pinterest life becoming a reality would be pretty awesome!

Who is your biggest celebrity crush?I love Ewan McGregor. I have for many years.
What is your guilty pleasure?I will sit and watch Netflix for hours and hours. It's not a good way to spend my time, but some days that is just what feels right.
Starbucks or a local coffee shop?Starbucks. I love my Black and White Mocha!
What is your favorite color?It's a tie between blue and yellow.

Chocolate or fruity candies?It depends on the day. Some days Twix, others Sour Gummy Worms. Those are my favorites.
What is your favorite drink?I mostly drink water, but coffee and hot tea are a close second. I hate soft drinks.
What song immediately makes you jump up and dance and sing?Well, it's not a great song, but I love "Money Make Her Smile", by Bruno Mars. (This can also be considered a guilty pleasure).
Do you still watch cartoons? If so, which ones?I don't like cartoons except for one: Spongebob. I will watch the classic Spongebobs all the time. I can quote the majority of them.

If money was no object, where would you want to visit?I would go back to Italy. It was so wonderful! I would love to live there if I could!
You're going to live on a deserted island for the rest of your life, and you are allowed to take 5 things with you. What do you take?My brother - He makes me laugh, My phone with WIFI, A lifetime supply of sushi, A computer that could access Netflix, My dog Pepper!
Who inspires you?My inspirations change, but right now it's Jennifer Lawrence. I love how quirky she is. She knows how to make the best of things and she isn't afraid to be herself. She is also super funny!

What advice do you have for upcoming seniors?Don't be afraid to try new things senior year. There are so many people who would do a show senior year and decide that they loved it and they would go on to do it in college. Get out of your comfort zone. You'll be so glad you did!
What were your three favorite moments during your session with Emily McGonigle Photography?Well, my dressing room was an abandoned barn, so that made for an entertaining time! While taking one of my pictures, a dog jumped in the lake behind me and that made me laugh. [And] I loved having my hair and makeup done. That was a ton of fun! ■
To find out how you can have a chance to be Emily McGonigle Photography's next Featured Senior, be sure to check out the Senior Modeling Program. Special thanks to Jessica Steingard for her help with Emily's hair and makeup on the day of her session. You can check out Jessica's other work at her website at:
Emily McGonigle Photography is a Franklin Senior Portrait Photographer, and be contacted for booking inquiries here.