Senior Portrait - Mackenzie Barnett | Emily McGonigle Photography
It's storming outside and I should be on a shoot right now, but I'm not, because Mother Nature is mean to me.
BUT... since I'm here, I figured I would do something fun and productive with my time. And what better way to do that, than to share with all of you, the final images from Mackenzie's senior portrait session! (Can I get a "WOOT!")
Mackenzie's session was a blast. Her session was probably the most versatile senior portrait session I've done to date. And part of that was because of Mackenzie's personality, and her willingness to do some fun, out-of-box stuff.
We did, however, start off easy. I like to start simple with clients to allow them time to warm up and for us to find our flow with each other. For Mackenzie's first look, we did a classic portrait setup.
It took Mackenzie no time at all to warm up. From the first shot, to the very last, she was on her A-game. I have noticed, however, that tends to be the case with most theatre kids I work with. ;)
Mackenzie's second look is probably one of my favorites, because it's so different from anything I've gotten to do with a senior before. She shared an image with me, during the planning process before her session, that inspired us to play with moody light and color.
Mackenzie's next look was done on an "exposed set", yet had a more sophisticated air to it.
Mackenzie got lucky for this shoot, because her session day fell in between two of my Senior Model session dates. If you've been following along, you know that I have been styling my Senior Models for their model sessions. I had pulled some clothing from Molly Green for two of my models, but Mackenzie was the same size as one of the girls, so we were able to use one of the outfits not used during the model session, for Mackenzie's session!
Outfit provided by Molly Green
So like I said: Pretty awesome shoot, huh?
Which brings me to the fact that I wouldn't have been able to do it without a few special people:
Thank you to Katrina Brooks ( for ROCKING Mackenzie's hair and makeup. This was my first time working with Katrina, and she thoroughly impressed me with her skills and efficiency. If you ever need someone for hair or makeup, for sure, give her a shout!
Thank you to Matthew Simmons for making me coffee, helping me lift things, dial in lights, and just doing all around critical Matthew things that keep me sane, and keep things moving.
And lastly, thank you to Molly Green ( in Coolsprings Galleria. Those girls rock, they have awesome clothing, just opened a new location in Opry Mills, and if you haven't been to their store, GO. CHECK. IT. OUT. It's super hip. You will not be disappointed. I promise!
That's all I've got for now. Until next time!
Emily McGonigle Photography is a Franklin and Nashville Portrait Photographer, and can be contacted for booking inquiries here.