Nashville Bound
Photo by: Rian Castillo |
My husband, Keith, and I have always played with the idea of moving to Nashville, Tn. Finally the time has come for us to take that leap!
On February 2nd, Keith and I will lock up the last of our belongings into our rental moving truck, and on the morning of February 3rd, we will begin the long 12 hour drive to our new home! It's both exciting and terrifying at the same time.
It's exciting because it's a new adventure that we get to take together! It's terrifying because I have to make THIS drive:
...And I have to do the WHOLE thing (because Keith will be driving the Uhaul and I will be driving my car), straight through, (Who wants to stop at a hotel when you can drive 13 hours straight to get home and start unpacking right away?), with a cat that makes THIS face when you try to put him in a running car:

So yeah... Like I said... ADVENTURE!!! Haha!
In all seriousness though, we are very much looking forward to getting acquainted with our new home. We have some very good friends that live there now, who have been more than helpful through this whole process, and we're already making connections with some very cool people out there. I'm looking forward to new friends and new talent to collaborate with, as well as getting to once again see some already existing friends that I haven't gotten to see in a long time!
While we are leaving Pennsylvania, we will certainly be back from time to time. I have a few sessions I need to come back for, as well as the fact that both Keith and I have family here that we will return to visit. That being said, if you'd like to be notified when I am returning, in order to book a session... or even if you'd just like to stay in touch and watch with us as our new adventure unfolds, be sure to "like" my Facebook page at:
And to those of you who live in or near Nashville and would like to book a shoot, I'm able to book now so you don't have to wait until I get there! Contact me and lets set something up!
Thank you guys for all your love and support!
CLICK HERE and 'like' Emily McGonigle Photography on Facebook!