Senior Portrait Photography | Behind The Scenes | Emily G.
This past weekend I had the pleasure of photographing Emily G. for her senior portraits! She is a bubbly senior whose passion is musical theatre, and it really shows in her personality. When I first met with Emily and her mother, Lisa, for our pre-shoot consultation, I knew right away that I was going to have a blast working with them. We chatted for quite a long time, just getting to know each other. And of course we chatted about our plans for Emily's session. I was really excited to hear that she had an AWESOME prom dress, and I urged her to bring it to her session for us to play with.
The day of her session, I met Emily at her home, along with hair and makeup artist Jessica Steingard, and my good friend and fellow photographer, Lindsey Baylor, who would be assisting me that day.
Jessica set to work, beautifully styling Emily's hair and makeup.

While I was there, I got to meet Emily's adorable pup, Pepper! While I tried my best to capture a photo of Pepper, while carrying on conversation, it was a bit difficult as she seemed to be a little camera shy...

After Jessica was finished with Emily's hair and makeup, Emily got changed into her first outfit and we gathered all our things and headed to the location.
Once we arrived, we started off with a fun set of photos in front of a teal colored barn door that just made Emily's eyes *pop*. I mean, the girl has gorgeous eyes to begin with, but putting her up against that door just seemed to make them stand out that much more!
We listened to "Bruno Mars radio" while we did the first set, and were entertained by some dogs playing near by.
After that set, Emily got changed into her beautiful blue prom dress, while I went to go scout out the next area.
When I had originally scouted out the location, there was an area with a pathway that lead into some trees. With the way the trees draped, it looked like a magical forest doorway into some fairytale land and that's where I wanted to photograph Emily in her blue gown. Of COURSE, as my luck would have it, by the time the day of the session actually arrived, someone had shut and locked the gate. I was terribly sad for a few moments, until it was pointed out to me that there was another, albeit a smaller, pathway.
I ran ahead to check it out and decided that it would be equally as awesome to travel back into it a little bit to create photographs of Emily in her gown.
Of course, despite the fact that we had packed along bug spray, the mosquitoes were relentless, and Emily (and the rest of us) had to deal with a continued assault. Emily was a straight up trooper though, and she rocked those images!
After that, we moved to a third area to catch some images with the sun before it completely set. On our way to the last area, we met some dogs that were super friendly and adorable. Just as I began the last set of photos with Emily, the dogs, who had moved on behind where we were photographing, decided it was a great day for a swim.
They ran and jumped head first into the water, causing a huge splash resulting in some brief confusion for Emily who couldn't see what was happening behind her!

We all had a good laugh and then finished out the session.
I had a FABULOUS time working with Emily and Lisa! The session turned out great, and it was a BEAUTIFUL day, especially considering the fact that the first day we were supposed to shoot, the weather decided to play horrible games with us, causing us to have to postpone... only for the weather to clear up by the time the shoot would have happened. (Grr.)
BUT... on the bright side... the ground wasn't soaked, it wasn't nearly as humid as it would have been the original day, and we had sun throughout the entire session! :)
Take a look at this sneak peak image from Emily's senior portrait session:

Special thank you again to Jessica Steingard and Lindsey Baylor for their assistance on this shoot! I couldn't have done it without them!
If you ever find yourself looking for a talented hair and makeup artist, give Jessica a shout! Not only is she fabulous at what she does, but she's quick too!
Stay tuned for more images from Emily's session later!! CLICK HERE and 'like' Emily McGonigle Photography on Facebook!