Senior Portrait Photography | Behind the Scenes | Hannah W.
Hey there, friends! About two weeks ago, I had the pleasure of working with the beautiful Hannah W. on her senior portrait session! Hannah also happens to be my second senior model, my other senior model being Emily G. Hannah and I met at my place so that she could get her hair and makeup done before we traveled to our location. I had the immense pleasure of getting to work with Jessica Steingard once again! She is an incredibly talented hair and makeup artist, super friendly and SUPER fast. If you're ever looking to hire a makeup artist and hairstylist for any reason, definitely give her a shout!

While Jessica worked on Hannah's hair, we had some fun conversation, including stories Hannah told us about her newly rescued kitten! (Awww, kitties!!! <3 ).

After Jessica was done with Hannah's first look, and Hannah's outfits were picked out for the session, we hit the road and traveled to our location. I was super excited because it was a *gorgeous* day out. I'm glad it was too, because there was quite a hike between a few of the spots we wanted to shoot at.
During Hannah's session, we were able to get in four different looks. All of them tied together in the sense that they all had a bohemian, "Free People" kind of feel to them, which was perfect for Hannah's look and personality. For example, when Hannah first rolled up to my house, she exited her vehicle not wearing shoes. She explained to me that she loved the outdoors and she loved being barefoot. After I heard that, it solidified even more for me, that we were going to get along just fine. While the bottoms of my feet don't have QUITE the adventurous hiking experience as Hannah's do, I tend to prefer bare feet myself. Shoes are just so constricting, don't you agree? ;) That's why, for my every day wear, my show of choice is the Puma Speedcat. Super thin, super light almost like you're not even wearing shoes. Haha! But I digress...
For each look, we changed up Hannah's accessories and for a couple looks Jessica changed Hannah's hair and makeup a bit. There were a set of accessories that were pretty consistent throughout, except for one look that I recall, and those were her bracelets. We had started the session out without them, but a few shots in, Hannah jumped up and exclaimed, "I need my bracelets! I forgot to put them back on, and I feel naked without them!"
Totally fine with me! They went great with her various looks! :)

Hannah's shoot went super smoothly. She actually has some experience as a model, so she made my job super easy as far as posing and expression was concerned. She was super comfortable in front of the camera and not afraid to try anything! I love that!
At one point I let her know that I wanted to go into some tall grass. I had bug spray with me, but I let her know that if she was not comfortable trudging through some deep vegetation and taller grasses, that she was more than welcome to decline. My number one concern for my clients is that they're happy and comfortable, so I would never make them do anything they wouldn't want to do. But Hannah was a trouper. She was ALL about going into the grass, and so we did. And we got some killer shots because of it! (It also helped that we walked out of there chigger-bite-free... but still. LOL -- I think the fact that it was a little cooler around the time her session was done, helped that fact.)
Here is a preview of one of my favorite images from the day -- One of the shots I got after our foray into the tall grass.:

More to come, stay tuned!!
Special thanks again to Jessica Steingard for her work on Hannah's shoot! --
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